How to Sell SEO/SEM to Your Management


In this post, I offer some tips on how to sell SEO to your management. If you have a question about SEO/SEM or web design please ask. We will do our best to get you an answer.

Q: Do you have a successful formula for selling non-SEO savvy management/executives on the importance of making SEO a permanent marketing imitative.

A:  One thing is for sure, the Internet is here to stay.  People are using the Internet much more to research products and services before they buy.

“Fifty-two percent of US online consumers who researched a service started at a search engine — compared with less than one-third who started at the primary service provider’s Website. (Source: Forrester’s North American Technographics Customer Experience, marketing, and Consumer Technology Online Survey, Q3 2007)”

One great thing about internet marketing/SEO is that most marketing dollars are quantifiable. It may take six months or so to see the benefits of SEO, but year over year you should have a healthy increase in your online conversions.

If your management is living in the Stone Age, start off small. Show results, then say if we had a budget increase of X%, we could get Y amount of new business.

Q: What are the main reasons why a large company ought to create an in-house SEO team?

A: It comes down to control and knowing your business. You should also still work with an outside SEO expert on some marketing indicatives. Said person should be able to bring unique expertise, which would take many years to cultivate in-house.

Q: Why hire an agency on retainer? What value does an agency bring, versus simply hiring an independent SEO consultant?

A: I would not care about and agency vs. consultant. I would look for expertise and someone you enjoy working with. Expert consultants often leave agencies and work on their own.

Q: Any search industry statistics and other C-level friendly resources you would include?

A: A good read on the subject,

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